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The Wild Detectives Book Stores

We want our space to encourage people to have a drink and talk to one another, to open up and share ideas, to hang out smartly, to engage in a conversation that will open new realities for them. That's what talking culture does. It opens spaces that weren't there before. Because culture accumulates into more culture. Our plan is clear: feed them culture, get them talking. All we do -our readings, our shows, our festivals, our plays- revolves around that idea. It's all about conversations. Conversation and human interaction, those are the raw materials stories are made. The Wild Detectives' name is a loose translation of Roberto Bolano's Los Detectives Salvajes (The Savage Detectives, 1998), from which the business takes not just the name, but the overall ethos. Mexican author Juan Villoro says about that book that "The Savage Detectives are life investigators, inspectors of the experience." Our mission comes from that line: to curate all those things that matter, those serious pleasures which turn life into experience. We've recently expanded this mission to include our friends and collaborators: all of our books are now co-curated by the local literary community and our literary friends around the globe-from writers to readers, from librarians to publishers and booksellers, anybody we know involved in any way in the belles-lettres. We want to close the circle and have our community as both subject and object of the curation efforts that are expected from us as a local independent bookstore. Any book you get from our shelves will have been blessed by someone we trust as a reader, whether it's a new release, a well-known title or those others that went overlooked by the general public; a 100% community curated selection. We strive to make culture approachable for everyone by promoting it as a, cool, sexy and appealing space to dive in. We host a lot of events from book ... presentations, poetry readings and plays to wine tastings, backyard shows, DJ sets and movie screenings—¦ and above all, hours of conversation. Things that will get you to a new place every day.

Dallas, TX, United States

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The Wild Detectives 314 W 8th St, Oak Cliff, Dallas

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While the small size of our humble shop limits the number of books we can have in stock, there is no limitation to the number or kind of books we offer through this ordering service.

100% Vetted Books

Every single book in our space has been co-curated between us and our trusted circle of book lovers: the Dallas literary community and our friends around the globe -writers, readers, publishers or booksellers.

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